Defining Drugs
Every society has its own drugs. People have given almost as many reasons for using drugs, as there are the drugs themselves. One of the reasons, the most basic human impulse, for pleasure; is found in a variety of other ways. Some of us find it, for example, in relationships, in work, in material possessions. Some find it in their drugs. This is inherent within the human make-up.
Today in the twenty-first century, drugs are everywhere. Cups of coffee, alcohol and prescribed medication are just some of the legal kinds. Heroin, cannabis and cocaine and so on, some of the illegal types. The less obvious 'drugs' may include computers, our work, shopping or sex. Drug taking is something we enjoy doing, or at least, we did at first.
So why do we start taking drugs or get involved in a particular behaviour in the first place? Some of the reasons are listed below. This will be something only you can really answer. If you are looking at the site for someone else, ask them.
Some of the reasons why we might want to change our mood:
- adventure
- anger, hurt or rejection
- enjoyment
- excitement/a buzz
- influence from friends/family
- poor self-image
- unaware of the effects
- guilt
- escape from circumstances
- boredom or curiosity
Over a period of time the 'Drugs' will effect and possibly cause problems to:
- health
- social life
- work life
- legal matters
- finances
Has yours/someone else's drug taking caused problems in one or more of these areas?
Looking for pleasure
The diagram below displays the three main categories of use with regard to the activities and substances mentioned above. We prefer the triangle because of the potential for the person to move either way through the triangle moving for instance from problematic use back to recreational or experimental use. i.e. there should always be an element of hope whatever the situation.

The ongoing use of the substance causes the tolerance level to increase; so the person will need to partake in more of the activity or substance to receive the same effect. It may provide a release from a particularly difficult time in life, such as a bereavement or relationship breakdown. This can be the start of problematic use. As the use develops, slowly problems may start arising. For example, with relationships because the individual is always on their computer or down at the gym. Taking a day off work with a bad hangover. Trouble with the police, financial difficulties because of amount spent shopping or in the pub. This can all lead to health problems.
Freedom from your 'drug' is possible.
Though it may seem just a distant light in the future, or maybe you cannot even see the light, because so many other things are crowding it. But it is possible. Please do believe & trust, not us, but the one who sent us!! Everyone has their own testimonies, and as a Christian we have many testimonies of how Jesus has set people free from addictions. Just take a look! This phrase may seem a cliché, but when you think of Jesus as the Son of God, the Creator of the Universe, you realise that nothing is impossible for Him. As He even knows the number of hairs on your head (Matthew Chap.10 verse 30) you can imagine that He knows all about what we are going through. Please talk this over with a friend who you know has experienced Jesus, or of course you may contact us.
What is the difference between abuse and dependence?
Abuse of the substance or behaviour, is characterised by having too much, too often. It is a pattern, for example, that leads to failure to fulfil responsibilities at work, home, or school, and/or repeatedly partaking in the behaviour in dangerous or potentially hazardous situations. There may also be legal and/or financial problems as a result of the behaviour/habit.
Dependence, on the other hand, describes a compulsion to continue partaking in the behaviour, the inability to stop, uncontrolled behaviour. 'A state in which one can only function in the presence of the drug' The taking of the drug can be to avoid the physical discomfort of withdrawal, this is known as physical dependence.
Where the compulsion has a psychological basis - the need for stimulation or pleasure or the desire for a chemical crutch for instance - it is referred to as psychological dependence.
Well if you have got this far ... well done!
You will probably now want to get some more specific information about the particular addiction which interests you, so click on the Types of Addiction page. Go on ..!
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