We are here to help
Mention the word 'addiction' or 'habit forming behaviour' and many people become confused or feel awkward. Addiction is one of many difficult issues most of us face daily, yet still remains in the dark.
Maybe you know someone who is addicted to one or more of the things listed on the following pages, or maybe you are yourself. Perhaps you have visited because you are seeking guidance as to what to do next, or you're merely curious about what information is available.
You may have been struggling with one particular addiction or behaviour, and have gotten caught in the revolving door syndrome, of trying to give up before it draws you back in again. You may have succeeded in controlling one addiction, such as gambling or work and now want to control seemingly less destructive habits.
Whatever your reasons, a range of emotions may arise as you view our site. The word addiction is a highly emotive and loaded word and conjures up vivid images of the alcoholic on the park bench or the drug user injecting heroin into his veins. These pictures may be a million miles away from you, or maybe they are not. These feelings are valid. It can be quite a frightening to imagine life without many of the everyday props, which can become an essential part of our lives. For some continuing without their habit is not even an option. Others cannot accept the thought of being controlled by a particular activity. If you are addicted, or know someone who is, and are looking for help, this could be your first step. Sometimes, it is only when the individual tries to give up, that they find out whether they are addicted or not.
Overcoming an addiction, or an obsessive behaviour, making alternative choices, is a process, not a one off event. It does not happen overnight but can take many weeks, months or even years. The awareness and the acknowledgement that the addiction or the compulsion is the problem, is regarded by many as the first and most difficult step.
Freedom from your addiction is possible. The will must lie within you, and your desire to change, maybe as a result of you being forced to change your life, owing to your particular situation. Or maybe you have not got that far yet, Thank God, and you want to stop it going any further. Maybe you are aware that you are spending more and more money or time on 'it'. Help is available. The first and possibly most difficult step is to confront your 'issue', admit that maybe it is a problem rather than merely an issue. Then you can start to try and resolve it. That may involve you sharing with someone else. As Christians we know a very good source. This source is The Way - The Truth and The Life (John 14 verse 6) you are welcome to find out more!
Whatever you decide there is always someone who can help and advise. Please do feel free to contact us if you would rather keep your situation from friends and family at this stage.
What is The Way
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Mission Statement
Aims and Objectives
About the founder
Find out more about Chris Milton
Types of addiction
Freedom from your addiction is possible.
Jesus said: I am The Way, The Truth and The Life
(John 14:6)