What is The Way

The ministry of The Way was born through the founder, Chris Milton, whilst in the USA in 2000. Since commencing work with the homeless and addicted in 1994, he has developed a passion for speaking for those that do not have a voice (Proverbs 31 verses 8 and 9) and ministering to the addicted. At the time, he experienced a period of change and took voluntary redundancy from his work heading up the 'Outreach and Day Centre' team with the Worthing Churches Homeless Projects (now known as Turning Tides). It was not instantly obvious that a website was the way forward, this become apparent shortly after. Since the beginning of 2001, when the first website was launched, the core ministry has remained the same. Though often people ask of our residential work there are no firm plans to develop this at present. The Way continues to offer support and advice for those confronting their addictions, focusing particularly on the addictions not so well recognized and seeking to offer a platform to those often overlooked or swept aside by society.

There is no secret formula to our ministry. The work is set up to the Glory of God expressed in the human form of Jesus and it is to Him who we seek to point people towards and recommend His Way as a path out of addiction. From our experience there is quite simply no other Way.